• author By- Radio ML
  • 2025-Jan-07

Customs: Reminder of Customs Amnesty Procedures for 2025


The General Administration of Customs issued a statement detailing the customs amnesty procedures for 2025, enacted under Article 75 of the current year's Finance Law. This law stipulates provisions related to the exemption or reduction of customs fines resulting from customs violations or misdemeanors that are documented in customs reports or those adjudicated in customs cases before December 1, 2024.

For customs cases involving fees, taxes, and fines, it is required to pay the due fees and taxes to benefit from the exemption of fines. For customs cases that involve only fines, it is required to pay a fine equivalent to 10% of the actual value of the seized goods and a fine equivalent to 20% of the nominally seized goods.

The statement indicated that those wishing to benefit from the exemption or reduction in the aforementioned customs fines must submit an amnesty request online through the dedicated application available via the following electronic link: httpss://services.douane.gov.tn, and follow the procedures specified in filling out the amnesty request (selecting a new amnesty request) and choosing one of the options "one-time payment" or "installment payment" and completing it accurately.

It is also necessary to respect the submission deadlines, which are before June 20, 2025, for those wishing to pay in installments, and before November 1, 2025, for a one-time payment, provided that all due amounts are paid before January 1, 2026.



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