• author بواسطة- راديو أمل
  • 2025-Feb-09

The Higher Authority for Administrative and Financial Control: Reform efforts should include public and semi-public structures


The Higher Authority for Administrative and Financial Control emphasized in its annual report (29) that "reform efforts should not be limited only to the structures that have been audited or monitored, but should extend to all public or semi-public structures, in light of the deficiencies and breaches specific to them without waiting for control or follow-up operations regarding them." The authority expressed its hope that "the recommendations included in its various annual reports will serve as a starting point and support for carrying out fundamental and deep reforms on various aspects of public management." In its report, which was recently handed over to the Prime Minister, the authority clarified that "the results of following up on audit and inspection reports have highlighted that a significant number of deficiencies and breaches related to various aspects of public management still persist in most public structures, despite being highlighted by control bodies or the authority on several previous occasions, whether when publishing and presenting the results of its annual reports, during various training courses, or during its participation in many national workshops and seminars on the reality of public management and ways to rationalize its governance." It considered that the continued "observation and recurrence of these breaches has become a structural issue that requires addressing them fundamentally and horizontally, by addressing the real reasons for their occurrence and continuation. It also requires, on the other hand, reconsidering some legislative and regulatory texts that are no longer keeping pace with the reality of public management and its effectiveness." In this regard, and given the importance of these breaches and their negative impacts on the governance process and good management of public resources, as stated in the report, the authority made "a set of recommendations, some of which are general and applicable to most areas of public management such as general organizational aspects and information systems, and some of which are specific in the form of particular recommendations related to the files that were followed up during the period covered by the report." The Higher Authority for Administrative and Financial Control, affiliated with the Presidency of the Republic, conducted 58 follow-up operations, which included studying and utilizing the results of 56 audit reports, distributed among the three general control bodies (36 reports), the Court of Accounts (12 reports), and ministerial inspections (5 reports). The report, published on its page, included a summary of its activities in various fields of work during the year 2023, a set of general and sectoral recommendations aimed at ensuring good management of resources, developing methods and means of public management, and enhancing the performance of public structures towards the best. It is worth noting that the follow-up work covered 72 public structures, including central administrative departments, regional administrative departments, public administrative institutions, non-administrative public institutions, public establishments, publicly-owned companies, sports federations, professional associations, and cooperatives. TAP


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